Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Justin F. Vs. Ben R.: The Epic Flyers Trivia Showdown

It is the moment you have all been waiting for. The epic Flyers trivia showdown starring me as I take on Ben Rothenberg of SB Nation's Broad Street Hockey in an epic trivia showdown on this week's episode of Broad Street Hockey Radio. Did I mention this is epic?

Because this is the 3rd time there was a trivia contest, the rules are not explained so I will go over them right here.

Myself and reigning trivia champion and BSH writer Ben Rothenberg alternate answering questions asked by the Managing Editor of Broad Street Hockey (and also SB Nation's NHL Manager), Travis Hughes. And to finish the identifications, the third guy frequently giggling in the background is Geoff Detweiler, another BSH writer. Back to the rules. Each question is worth 100 points and each of us are asked 3 questions. If someone gets a question wrong, the other person has a chance to steal, so theoretically, someone could end up with 600 points. At the end, there is a final Jeopardy-esque question where we each wager a certain number of points and whomever has the highest number of points after that is the winner.

The boys at BSH are having some posting problems so I am unable to download it and convert it into my own podcast, but here is the link to listen to the show. The trivia contest is right at the beginning so you don't have to fast forward at all. If and when a downloadable audio is put up, I will do my best to get it up here, but regardless.



  1. Your not good at Flyers trivia.

  2. Not wholly true......I just did not know any of those questions.....

    Jeff Hackett!

  3.'re not good.

    /Chris Myers'd.

  4. Oh, yeah, like any of you could have gotten the Maine Mariners. ;-)

  5. You've done Philly proud, JFein. ;)

  6. @ SSR: You should have heard the guy we kept referencing on the show, William (a.k.a. CoburnsCuddleBuddy). Not only did he also lay a goose egg, but he got legit pissed off in the process.

    If you have time and want to listen, it starts at the 56:00 minute mark. Anything to get the bad taste out of your mouth from listening to me, right? ;-)

  7. Quick side notesfrom the show. Obviously, Travis and co. edited the show a bit and cut some stuff out, most notably some of our pre-trivia banter and my thought process. On the affiliate question, I think I thought about it in silence for 2 minutes and I am pretty sure I spent at least 5 minutes talking my way through the question about the only 2 teams the Flyers have losing records against. That's where all of the random Twitter references came into play because I eventually get to reading it somewhere to "oh, Travis had this on Twitter the other day." Actually I felt dumber right after it then I did upon listening to it. I'll put it this way, there was a lot more stumbling on my part like the Swedish goalie question. I guess they just kept the last one in because it was so funny.

    Although listening to the CoburnsCuddleBuddy fail certainly makes me look better.

  8. And I did go through more non-Swedish goalies than what they showed. I also brought up Esche and Nittymaki, I believe.


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