Friday, September 11, 2009


Sadly, today is the 8th of that terrible day. We all know what happened, there's no need for me to repeat it. It always sounds cliche the saying that when something big happens, you'll never forget where you were. That could not hold more true for me.

I remember sitting in my 6th grade science class, listening to a lecture on the scientific method. I was in the 2nd row closest to the door sitting in the 4th seat back. The principal, Mr. John Bravo (no joke) came over the loud speaker and in a very sad, solemn voice broke the news of what happened. While I can vididly remember his voice and him telling us what happened, the rest of the day was just a blur. Supposedly all the teachers just showed the news for the rest of the day, but I can't remember for sure (at my middle school, most of your classes are with the same group of people, which is how I got that information). The more I think about it, the more I can sort of recall my one teacher showing it. But then again, that's just who he was and his personality. He was one of those few "special" teachers. You know, the ones who stand out to you and really outwardly do their best to help you be the best you can be. The one who thinks of his students above all else. The kind of teacher that I aspire and hope to be like. Anyway, just based on who he was as a person, discontinuing class and showing the news for the day is something he would naturally do.

I only have two other vivid recollections of that day. My dad was out of town that day and when he came home, in the most innocent ways possilbe, I asked him, "did you hear what happened today?". I'm pretty sure the tone of that question was asked in about the same way I would inquire about what's for dinner that night. Yeah, to say that I was an innocent schmuck at the time is definitley an understatement. The only other one was later in the night, watching the news, and they were talking about how the towers were built or something, I'm not sure, whatever it was it was over my head completely, and I just remember thinking, "how did this happen?"

RIP all who died in those terrible, terrible attacks of that day. Always remember, never forget.

1 comment:

  1. The thing I remember the most about that day was that my dad was gone.

    He was a volunteer firefighter and he was gone on a strike team fighting a wildfire. I will always remember missing him and wishing he was with us on that day.


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