Damn! Them Phillies know how to score! First Cole Hamels marries Survivor's Heidi Strobel, next Kyle Kendrick proposes to current Survivor hero Stephenie LaGrossa, and now, comes the news that Ryan Howard may have a little something-something going on with a Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader. They were spotted in Miami during the week of the Super Bowl together. Her name is Krystle. Here's the rest of her bio from the man who broke the story, meech.one of The Fightins.
Krystle is a West Chester University graduate who teaches 2nd grade elementary school and jet sets to Miami on the weekends with her guy friend, Ryan Howard. According to her profile on Eagles.com, Krystle describes herself as a passionate, dedicated, loyal, and adventurous person who loves reading, and spending time with family and friends.Exciting stuff!
And her favorite superhero is Cat Woman.
That’s pretty much it.
Wait, a minute? Let's forget the fact that all of mainstream Philly media is finally crediting Meech and The Fightins for breaking a story a and let's focus on the real story here. Cherish the sight as for this poor Eagles cheerleader, playing Oingo-Boingo with Ryan Howard in a hotel room is the only she'll ever get to be a part of a Super Bowl.
Last name of the cheerleader: Krystle Campbell.