Friday, February 5, 2010

Philadelphia Sports Fans Add Another To Their Bad Reputation

And you thought it was bad when they booed Santa Claus.

This morning at Wing Bowl XVIII, they took it too far. Now the Wing Bowl, for those belligerently uninformed on Philadelphia customs, is a yearly wing-eating contest every year before the Super Bowl, consisting debauchery inside the Wachovia Center on a Friday morning equitable to 10 times worse than anything you ever got at The Vet's 700 Level. That being said, there are certain lines of decent morality that should not be crossed. They were crossed today when Philly fans committed what will no doubt go down as their worst act of douchebaggery yet: They booed Snooki.

Satire aside, THAT. WAS. AWESOME! How often do you get to see a stuck-up "guidette" (MTV's word, not mine) walk into an arena and get booed out of the building like that. Now I watch more reality TV more than anything sports fan on the face of this earth (Survivor, Amazing Race, and Hell's Kitchen are my favorites) but even I can tell you that Jersey Shore is crap. Actually, I have never been so proud of Philly fans in my life. If there is one thing we do, we recognize crap for what it truly is, crap.

However, Snooki did not go quietly into the night. She was interviewed by Fox29 on the booing and she had a little salute to everyone.

I saw that for the first time and nearly pissed my pants from laughing so hard. It does not get much better or funnier than that.

As evidenced by the booing, I can confidently state that Philadelphia feels the exact same way about you, Snooki.

Philly has no love for Snooki
Snooki doesn't like to get booed (Seriously? OMG! WTF?)

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