Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm All Out Of Ideas

(Originally posted at Broad Street Hockey but without the above posted terrible picture. It's either that or a picture with the super serious face where I look like imma bout to choke a bitch. I spared you the pain. Thank me.)

When the Phillies were in the playoffs in 2008, because I do not spend money on jerseys (me wearing and buying jerseys are the ultimate jinx, for both the player and the team during games I wear them), I have a plain royal blue shirt that I would break out to show my solidarity with the Phillies. I am not a jersey buyer, so this was the closest thing. It brought them good luck too. Every time I wore this shirt during that playoff run, they won. The same with the playoff run in 2009, but sadly, I can’t wear 1 tee shirt every day of every game. Even in 2009, when I wore it they won. But sadly, I can’t wear it everyday, so unlike in 2008 and the NL Playoffs in 2009 when the Phils were able to win without me wearing this shirt, they were up the creek without a paddle in the 2009 World Series when I did not wear it. I tried to see if the luck could translate to the Flyers, and every time I wore this shirt this season and watched the Flyers game, they won. I wore it during the win or go home game against the Rangers that got us into the playoffs (yes, I wore the color of the Rangers that day, but the Flyers won; you should thank me). I forget what game it was against the Devils that I wore it, but it was not Game 2. After not wearing it for the 1st 2 games against the Bruins, I decided to bring out the good luck charm for tonight’s Game 3. I’ve done everything I could to help us get as far as we could, but even my unbreakable superstition was no match for the Bruins.

Why haven’t I told you this before? You would not want me to jinx it now, would you? :)


  1. I'm not a superstitious person, so I can't or won't float any idea that would eventually involve you getting tazed as the denouement.

  2. Looks like "Evil JFein" in that pic.

  3. You look like you have to take a dump.

  4. @ SSR: FEAR ME AND MY AWESOME TASER! And as bad as this one is, the other is 1,000,000 times worse.

    @ Keith: I most definitely did not have to take a dump at the time of that photo.

  5. @JFein ever heard of these marvelous inventions the washer and dryer? or are you not willing to run 1 piece of clothing every day? ;-)

  6. @Kris: It also looks like he hasn't washed his hair in a while.

  7. I'm reading all this you know! ;-)

    @ kt: Yes, but have you ever heard of having to pay $1.25 to run it through the washer and another $1.25 to run it through the dryer? Dorms need to make money,ya know.

    @ Keith: I took a nap in the afternoon and had not treated my hair since then.

    Open thread will be up in a bit. Revising papers and finals week blow.

    Word verification: Travis



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