Thursday, September 10, 2009

Joe Wilson Is Not A Barack Obama Fan

Sorry for not getting this up sooner. I was extremely tired last night after yet another exhausting day of 5 classes and sometimes when I get really exhausted I start to long for a girl I like back home with whom for reasons more complicated than Obama's health care plan, I can never have (I'm thinking of doing a Basketbawful-esque tell-all after football season; even though there really is not an end yet, writing it all out may help me find one). At which point, the absolute last thing on my mind is politics.

The only thing funnier than a politician channeling his or her inner sports fan by bashing his opponent over the airwaves via a campaign commercial is when they heckle the President during a joint session of Congress on national TV and flat out call him a liar in front of everyone.

Too funny. But if he really was going to do that, he should have gone all in his heckling and sreamed "YOU SUCK!" or started a GOP chant of "Ass-Hole!". At which point, the Dems would somehow figure out a way to play the hypocrisy and race card, a massive fight would have then ensued and you would have had yourselves some Good Times at the joint session.

Note: I am not defending Wilson or Obama, I am too far out of the loop on the debate and the ins and outs of all the little details to have and defend in argument form an actual opinion on the health care debate. And even though Wilson has since apologized and Obama has forgiven him, I just think the whole concept of someone heckling the President in front of everyone on national TV is hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I don't think this is hilarious at all. We're just one step removed from the brawling that goes on in the Parliaments in South Korea & Taiwan.

    And your post sounds spine-tingly dingly JFein. Aren't there any girls at Bloomsburg that you can have an unrequited crush on?


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